We have optimized our three proven Pride program points information and beverage stand as well as participation in the demo parade and supplemented them with two offers: New this year were the FVV members’ evening on Thursday and the FVV dance tea on Sunday. Both new offers were very well received and will certainly be part of our program again next year. Under the motto “loud and proud” we forged a special sports alliance: For the demo parade, our well over 100 FVV members were followed by the DOSB, the DFB and the Sportjugend im Landessportbund. Spectacular and rousing as always were our dance formation and the sign presentation of our nearly 30 disciplines. All of this was only possible because almost 250 members got involved – be it as co-demonstrators, caterers, information booth crew or dancers. Many thanks to all of you! All photos can be found here.