Please note that a cancellation is only valid in written form.
If you send the cancellation by post, please also enclose your membership card.
Alternatively, you can submit your cancellation by e-mail, or by fax. In this case, please confirm that you have destroyed your membership card.
Membership can be cancelled at the end of each calendar half-year (30.06. and 31.12.). Written notice of termination must be received by the Board or the office four weeks before the end of the calendar half-year.
If you are a member of the squash, rowing or tennis division, you may only cancel your membership at the end of the calendar year (31.12.). We need a little more time to cancel your membership with our cooperation partners, which is why your cancellation should reach us by 15.11.
You are obliged to pay your membership fees until the end of your membership. Excess payments will not be refunded.