The Executive Board manages the club on a voluntary basis and represents us judicially and extrajudicially. Two of its members are jointly authorised to represent the club and sign documents. The board members are elected for a period of two years. Contact: Public Relations: Matthias Krautinger +49 (0) 171 – 472 43 49 Sport: Sascha Spezzano Membership: Ina Manthey Finance: Jens Gronemann Events: Georg Novak Other organs and officers Executive Board Consultants: The Executive Board appoints consultants or specialist advisors to support its work. The consultants and specialists are advisory members of the Executive Board with the right to speak and propose motions, but without the right to vote. For the current board consultants please refer to the german version The Members’ General Meeting is the highest body of the club. It usually meets once a year and is responsible above all for electing, discharging and dismissing the Executive Board, setting the fees and passing resolutions on amendments to the statutes. The Advisory Board consists the heads of our sports divisions and usually meets every two months together with the Executive Board. The Advisory Board advises on the affairs of the club and is the interface between the sports sections and the Executive Board. It is independent and it is regulated by the Advisory Board Rules. Contact: In order to protect the personal data of the members, FVV has appointed a Data Protection Officer who monitors the storage and handling of sensitive data. The data protection regulations govern the measures, handling and protection of this data. Contact: Bernd Webmaster: |