Once again, the Academy of the Hessian Sports Federation has initiated a project around the topics of gender and sexual diversity and sexism in sports and we as FVV support the project. The project aims to specifically counter discrimination against people in sports based on their gender identity or sexual orientation. The aim is to address gender and sexual diversity, to educate about it, to raise awareness and finally to anchor it mentally and organizationally in the clubs. The central concern is to enable all those active in sport to help shape an open and democratic community and promote voluntary work.
Four online seminars are planned for the launch – participation is free for FVV members:
Part 1: Sexual Diversity in Sport on March 29, 2023.
Part 2: Gender diversity in sport on April 25, 2023
Part 3: Sexism in Sport on May 25, 2023
Part 4: Queerness in the context of flight and migration on June 19, 2023
The Academy of the Hessian Sports Federation is one of a total of nine adult education organizations with a focus on sports recognized by the State of Hesse in the Hessian Continuing Education Act and, in cooperation with the State of Hesse, fulfills the educational mandate of socially relevant large groups in Hesse. Other partners in the project are the Sportjugend Hessen e.V., the Sportkreis Frankfurt and the AG Queere Vielfalt of the GEW Hessen.